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- Niagara Gazette - 4/29/1947
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Broeker,
Youngstown, announce the engagement
of their daughter. Bernetta
Ann, to Mr. Gerald W. Kraatz, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kraatz.
Ransomville. The wedding will
take place in June.
Niagara Gazette - 6/16/1947
Miss Bernetta Broeker, daughter
ol Mr and Mrs. Arthur Broeker.
Youngstown. and Mr. Gerald Kraatz,
son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Kraatz,
Ransomville, exchanged marriage
vows at the Porter Center Methodist
Episcopal church. Thursday .evening
at 7 o'clock. The Rev Alfred
Lenzner officiated at the double
ring ceremony
Miss Margarette Mann, accompanied
on the piano by Mr Henry
Kennedy. sang At Dawning" before
the ceremony and 'The Lords Prayer
while the bride and groom were
kneeling at the altar.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a white satin gown
with [lowing train and seed pearls
forming a leaf design around the
net yoke and the edge of the long
sleeve.-. Her finger tip veil of illusion
fell from a crown of seed
pearls. She carried a bouquet of
white roses and lillies-of-the-valley.
Miss Erva- Broeker. lister of the
bride and matron of honor, wore
a gown of pink moire with fitted
bodice. Her bouquet was of blue
gardenias and she wore a matching
gardenia in her hair.
The bridesmaids. Miss Dorothy
Broeker. sister of the bride, and
Miss Esther Bradley, were gowned
in blue and vellow moire of the
same design. They carried bouquets |
of pink roses and talisman roses
with matching flowers in their hair.
Mr. Gordon Hausmann. cousin of
the bridegroom, was the best man.
The ushers were Mr. Jack Smithson
and Mr. Gene Johnson.
The mother of the bride wore a
navy blue crepe dress with white
accessories and a corsage of pink
roses. The bridegroom's mother
wore an aqua dress with white
accessories. Her corsage was also
of pink roses.
After the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride
with about 150 guests attending. T h e
bride's table was centered with a
three-tier wedding cake topped with
a miniature bride and bridegroom,
For traveling the bride wore a
,pink suit with white accessories and
a corsage of white roses and liliesaf-
After an extended trip through
the southern states, Mr. and Mrs.
Kraatz will reside in Ransomville.