Notes |
- Cohocton NY Valley Times - 7/13/1960
Pastor and Mrs. Edgar J. Buerg-
er celebrated their 40th wedding
anniversary in a mest enjoyable
manner on Sunday, July 10. Act-
ual date of their anniversary was
July 7, at which time the Ladies'
Aid, having their annual picnic-
dinner, honored the celebrants
with an anniversary cake, baked by
Mrs. Victor Fleishman and singing
greeting to them.
The celebration began on Sun-
day with a festive dinner in the
St. Paul's Church parlors, prepary|
ed by Mrs. John Schumacher, and
assisted by Mrs. Walter Sick and
Mrs. Otto Sick. The celebrants
were surrounded by all but one of
their children and their families.
Lieutenant Commander and Mrs.
Robert P. Buerger and daughters,
Paula and Cynthia, who recently
completed a tour of duty at thai
naval base in Corpus Christi, Tex.,
and is en route to a new Assign-
ment at the Boston Navy Yard,
where he will be aboard the USS
Carrier Wasp, arrived on Satur-
day, as did Mr. and 'Mrs. Lee D.
Morehouse and children, Gary
Mark, Criag and Amy, from Shar-
on, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Ploetz, and daughter Sandra and
Barbara, from West Valley, N. Y.
All these were at the table, togeth-
er with sisters of Pastor Buerger,
Mrs. Ted Berymark and her hus-
band, and Mrs. Robert Bleasdale,
and her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Mo-
lenda and daughter Pamela, all of
Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs. Buerger's
brother, Mr. Edlward Secore, and
her niece, Mrs. Packard Stanton,
both of Pittsburg, Pa. and Rev. and
Mrs. H. W. Sander, of Little Val-
ley; Rev. Sander gave the invoca-
The celebration was climaxed by,
a reception in the Church Parlora
in the evening, to which the en-
tire congregation, was invited. The
evening was opened with some
brief remarks by the Rev. H. W.
Sander, of Little Valley, N. Y., a
long-time friend of Pastor Buerg-
er, who, with his wife came for
the festivities. Thereupon an en-
tertainment committee took over,
and presented a sketch of the
lives of the celebrants in a most
interesting manner, livened by
scenes from their life cast on the
screen by an opaque projector. The
Committee consisted of Mesdames
Nick Deleo, Theodore Mattlce, Lai
verne Sick and Gratton Wallace.
The President of the congregation,
Mr. Lewis Zeh, extended congratu-
lations in behalf of the congrega-
tion, and presented the couple with
a "Statolounger" chair. Refresh-
ments were then served to over
100 guests by the refreshment com
mittec, composed of Mesdames
Roland Drum, Victor Fleishman,
and Walter Drum. A large wedding
anniverary cake, baked by Mrs.
Leonard A Ploetz, and beau-
tifully decorated by her and her
sister, Mrs. Morehouse, was cut
and served by Mrs. Rudolph Zeh.