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- Niagara Gazette - 10/2/1934
The marriage of Miss Mildred Irene Schultz . daughter of Mr. an d Mrs. Joh n L. Schultz . of Youngstown. to Jack C. Nichols, of this city, was solemnized at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon. September 22, a t the First Baptist parsonage , Deveaux street,this city, the Rev. John Ellison Vassar officiating. The double ring ceremony was used.T h e bride was charming in a toe length gown of royal blue velvet, with matching accessories and a shoulder bouquet of pink bride roses and baby's breath . She was attended by her sister. Miss Ruth Schultz . of Youngstown, who was gowned in green velvet with matching accessories. She wore a corsage of Talisman roses and baby's breath .Alonzo J. Nichols, of this city, attended the groom. Th e bride's mother was attired, in black crepe with matching accessories. The mother of the groom wore brown crepe with matching accessories. Following the ceremony a dinner for about 60 guests was held at Harding's Chicken shoppe , Creek road, Youngstown. Th e bride's table was centered with a three tier wedding cake and there were bouquets of garden flowers at each end. Later a reception was held at the home of the bride, where dancing and refreshments were enjoyed. Music was furnished by a popular orchestra . Guests were present from this city, Ithaca , Kenmore , Lockport. Ransomville and Youngstown .After a short wedding trip through the Adirondack Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Nichols will reside in this city.