Family |
STREHLOW, Herbert E, b. 1901, Tonawanda, Erie County, NY d. 17 May 1980, Degraff Memorial Hospital, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 79 years) |
Marriage |
15 Sep 1926 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/17/1926
A very pretty wedding took place
Wednesday afternoon a t 3 : 0 0 o'clock
at Trinity Lutheran Church. -Niagara
Falls when Florence E Boyer, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Boyer
of 1359 South avenue became the
bride of, Herbert E. Strehlow of Tona-
wanda. Rev. M. C. Kretzmann officiat-
The bride who entered on the arm
of her father, was lovely in her gown
of white georgette over satin, with
long tulle v e i l - c a u g h t with orange
blossoms and carrying a shower bou
quet of brides roses, lilies of the valley
and baby breath. Her maid of honor,
Miss Alma Strehlow. sister of the
groom. w o r e pale pink georgette over
s a t in and carried an arm bouquet of
pink rosebuds tied with pink tulle. Her
bridesmaid. Miss Ruth Strehlow, another
sister-of the groom, wore yellow
georgette over satin and carried an
arm bouquet of yellow rosebuds tied
with yellow tulle. Clarence Tiedman
a c t e d as best man and Arthur Waters-
t r a t as groomsman. The ushers were
Harold Wulf and Ewald Rosenau. Lit
tle Geraldine Boyer. s i s t e r of the bride
and Genevieve Wustrack. cousin of
t h e bride, were flower girls, wearing
white crepe de chine frocks and carrying
white baskets filled with pink and
yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Boyer, mother
of the bride, wore blonde satin and
Mrs. Strehlow. mother of the groom
wore powder blue crepe, both wearing
corsages of roses and lilies of the val-
ley John F. Mahl of Tonawanda sang
"Oh Promise Me"'. The church was
decorated wtih palms and baskets of
gladioli and asters.
. I m m e d i a t e l y following the ceremony
a reception was held in the church
p a r l o r s which were decorated in pink
and white and at 5:00 o'clock a wedding
supper was served to sixty five
guests. Out-of-town guests were pres-
next meeting of the Jolly Eigh
ent from Buffalo and the Tonawandas.
Mr. and Mrs Strehlow will be at
home at 49 Morgan street, Tonawanda,
after September 20.
Children |
Family ID |
F34042 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |