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- Niagara Gazette - 5/29/1935
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peck, of 140
Sixty-eighth street announce the enjgagemrnt.
of their daughter, Jean-
nette, to William J. Boyle, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Boyle of 539
Twelfth street. The wedding will
take place in the fall.
Niagara Gazette - 9/4/1935
A very quiet wedding was solemnized
Friday morning In the Church of St.
John, La Salle, when Miss Alice
Jeannette Peck, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Peck, of sixty-elgbtb
street, became the bride of William J.
Boyle, son of Mr, and Mr*. Hugh
Boyle. The Rer. Pather Doyle performed
the ceremony.
The bride was gowned fa a yellow
crepe suit with white accessories. She
wore a shoulder corsage of white roses
and baby'* breath, tied with orchid
baline. Mis* Katheryn Boyle, her
only attendant, wore a blue crepe
suit, with pink accessories, and wore
a shoulder corsage of pink roses and
blue delphinium, tied with pink
mallne. Richard Harvey was the best
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A delightful social gathering was
held on Thursday evening at the
home of Jeanne Mooney, of Ninth
street. Those who attended were
Kathrlne and Mary Clclto, Miriam
Gamble, Cosmo Importune, June
Jackson, Kathleen and Pred La Due,
Betty MacKlmmie, John McOhee,
Betty and Bob Maloney, Herbert Paquln
and Robert Sweet. Refreshments
and games were enjoyed.
Following the ceremony, breakfast
was served to the immediate families
at the Red Coach-Inn.
The bride's golng-away outfit was
navy blue crepe, with yellow accessories.
After a motor trip, Mr. and Mrs.
Boyle will reside at W9 Twelfth street,
this city.
Among, those who entertained for
the bride were Miss Helen E. Peck,
a personal shower; Mrs. Paul Haseley.
a linen shower; Miss Katheryn Boyle,
a shower at which the bride was presented
with an orchid table: Mrs.
P. M. Peck and Mrs. H. M. Peck, a
variety shower.