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- Niagara Gazette - 5/8/1952
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zastrow,
Wilson,' announce the engagement
Of their daughter, Pauline Augusta,
to Howard Allison Fry; son of
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Fry, Akron
road, Lockport. The wedding will
take place June 28.
Niagara Gazette - 7/10/1952
LOCKPORT, July 10 - Mr. and
Mrs. Howard A. Fry have returned
from'-their'honeymoon trip:through
New,York state and are making their
home in Akron road, Lockport. Mrs.
Fry is the former Miss Pauline A.
Zastrow, daughter of' Mr and Mrs.
Elmer Zastrow, Wilson, and, Mr.
Fry is the son of Mr..and Mrs. Burt
Fry,. Lockport.
The couple was united in marriage
at St* Andrew's Luthern church,
North ' Ridge road, with the.;Rev.
Walter Koenig officiating: The bride
was given in marriage by father.
^Mlss Myra Zastrow, Wilson, was
her sister's maid of honor. Miss
Carolyn Hetrick,Penfield, cousin of
the bride, and Mrs Warren Van
Buren, Akron, N". Y., sister of,the
bridegroom, were bridesmaids.
Mr» Warren Van Buren _was best
man, and Mr. Howard Zastrow,
Wilson, brother of the bride, and
CpL Clarence Fry, brother of the
bridegroom, were ushers.
Linda Zastrow,. Wilson, niece of
the.bride, was flower girl
The wedding reception was held
for 350 guests