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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 4/7/1925
The funeral of Mrs. Rose Grose, nee
Behm. 40 years old. who died Suudav
at her home, No. 147 East Felton street
will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock from the late residence and
half an hour later from the St. Mark's
church on Washington street, Rev.
Paul Grethold officiating. Burial will
be at Elmlawn. Mrs. Grose was born
in the town of Wheatfleld. She had
resided in North Tonawanda for the
past 35 years. Surviving are a hus-
band; George Grose; one daughter.
Miss Dorothy Grose; three sons, Arlie,
Melvin and Martin; a father, Ferdin-
and Behm, all of North Tonawanda;
four sisters, Mrs. Martin Wendling of
Buffalo, Mrs. Phillip Breidenbach of
Martinsville and Mrs. Emil Busch and
Mrs. Henry Mertens of North Tona-
wanda, and five brothers, John Behm
of Lockport, William and George Behm
of Hudson, Wis., Charles Behm of At-
water, Minn., and Frank Behm of Min-