Notes |
- Niagara Gazette
Cleveland Avenue Woman Had Resided
in this City 60 Years
Mrs. Millie Streicher, wife of
Jacob F. Streicher, died at her home,
2455 Cleveland avenue, yesterday.
after a long Illness. She was 75
years old and had lived here for
60 years.
Mrs. Streicher, who was a native
of Beechville, Ont., had made many
friends during her long residence In
this city. Besides her husband,
she is survived by a son. Elmer
Wiehle; two brothers, William
Fisher, of San Francisco, and Jack
Fisher, of Beechville. Ont., and two
sisters. Margaret Darker, of Seattle.
Wash., and Mrs. Tlllia Newton, of
Balboa. Calif.
Funeral services will be held at
the Harrldson and Beatty funeral
chapel. 1136 Main street, at 2:30
p.m. Sunday, with the Rev. Clarence
Brown officiating. Burial will be
in Oakwood cemetery.