Family |
ZINK, Rudolph A, b. 14 Aug 1894, New York d. Jan 1976, Rochester, Monroe County, NY (Age 81 years) |
Marriage |
14 Nov 1918 |
Rochester, Monroe County, NY |
Notes |
- Rochester NY Democrat Chronical - 11/18/1917
The marriage of Miss Agnes P. Thibault,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
Thibault, to Rudolph A. Zink took place
on Wednesday morning ot 10 o'clock at
St. Bridget's Church. The nuptial mass
was celebrated -by Rev. Father Brady.
The bride was given in marriage by her
father. Miss Mary A. Gerstner was
bridesmaid and Norbert. Thibault,
brother of the bride, was best man.
George Zink and Claude Thibault acted
as ushers. During the mass the Ave
Maria was sung by Miss Julia Frank.
The bride wore a traveling suit of
Burgundy broadcloth with a hat to
match, her corsage bouquet was lilies of
the valley and orchids. The bridesmaid
wore a dark blue broadcloth suit and
hat to match, with sunburst roses.
The bride's gift to her attendant was
a friendship pin set with brilliants and
sapphires. The groom's gift to his attendant
was a gold watch chain. The
ushers received belts with their monograms
engraved on them. -
After the ceremony a wedding dinner
was served at the home of the bride's
parents, No. 23 Sheridan street Among
the out of town guests were, Mrs. F.
Leavry and Miss Frances Leavry, of
Syracuse; Mrs. N Whistel and daughter
Helen, and Mrs. F. August, of Buffalo,
and Jacob Killean, of the U. S. Marines,
a cousin of the groom.
The prenuptlal events Included a rariety
shower by Mrs. B. Thibault and
Mrs. V. Thibault; a grocery shower by
Mr.. W. Zink, a variety shower by Mrs.
P. Eplng and a kitchen shower by Miss
M. Gerstner.
Mr. and Mrs. Zink will live at No. 16
Hooker street upon their return from a
Western trip.
Children |
| 1. ZINK, Norbert, b. Abt 1919, New York  |
| 2. ZINK, Beatrice, b. Abt 1920, New York  |
| 3. ZINK, Merlin V, b. 3 Apr 1921, New York d. 3 Sep 2000, Rochester, Monroe County, NY (Age 79 years) |
| 4. ZINK, Rudolph, b. Abt 1925, New York  |
| 5. ZINK, Paul |
| 6. ZINK, Harold |
Family ID |
F35921 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |