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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/11/1971
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Witkowski of 257
Rumbold Ave., North Tonawanda, announce
the engagement of t h e i r daughter, Ann
Therese, to Daniel M. Thiebolt, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Thiebolt Sr. of 580 Broad St.,
Tonawanda. The future bride, a graduate of
Bishop Gibbons High School, is a senior at the
State University at Buffalo. Her fiance, a
graduate of Tonawanda High School, served in
Vietnam with the Marine Corps. A July 8
wedding is planned in Our Lady of
Czestochowa Church.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/10/1972
Our Lady of Czestochowa
Church was the setting for the
wedding of Miss Ann Witkowski
and Daniel Martin Thiebolt at
11 a.m. Saturday. July 8,1972
The Rev. John R. Gabalski.
uncle of the bride, officiated at
the nuptial Mass. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Witkowski of 257
Rumbold Ave.. North Tonawanda.
The bridegroom's
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
William C. Thiebolt Sr of 580
Broad St.. Tonawanda
Mrs. John E. Kloch was
matron of honor for her sister.
Bridesmaids were Miss Lois
Thiebolt. sister of the bridegroom,
and Miss Cynthia Heye
of Seattle. Wash., cousin of the
bride. Joanne Witkowski was
her sister's junior bridesmaid,
and Diane Witkowski was
flower girl for her aunt.
Groomsmen included Roger
Theibolt of Montclair, Calif.,
brother of the bridegroom, as
best man. William Thiebolt
Jr.. brother of the bridegroom,
and Edward Witkowski, brother
of the bride, as ushers: William
Thiebolt III, nephew of the
bridegroom, junior usher, and
James Gabalski. cousin of the
bride, ring bearer.
The newlyweds greeted
guests at a reception at St.
Joseph's Church hall. Following
a honeymoon in the Poconos.
the couple will make their home
in Fletcher Street. Tonawanda.