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- Niagara Gazette - 1/21/1928
TONAWANDA. Jan. 21.-George
H. Hall, 67 years old, pioneer concrete
sidewalk builder Tn Tonawanda and
an extensive building contractor In
recent years, died Thursday night at
his home. 242 Delaware street, after
an illness of three days with pneu-
'monla. - Mr. Hall was born on Long
Island. He had resided in Tonawanda
for the past 58 years.
Surviving are a wife. Sarah; two
sons, Ervin B. and Alfred L. Hall; a
daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Albee; two
grandchildren, all of Buffalo, and a
sister. Mrs. George Pletcher of North
Tonawanda. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 3:20 o'clock at
the home of Ervln B. Hall, 17 Tennyson
avenue, Buffalo.