Notes |
- Batavia NY Times - 6/14/1945
Joseph H. Peard. who died at Villa
St, Jude in Batavia. on June 12. 1915.
was bom 72'years ago a t East Pembroke.
son of the late Robert, and
Mary Patten Peard. He had retired
as a Massey-Harris employe. Mr.
Peard leaves'his wife, Mrs. Sadie Mc
Vea Peard: a daughter, Mrs. Ralph
Nugent; a brother, Robert K. Peard
of East Pembroke, and three sisters.
Mrs. Olive allen and Mrs. Frank
Funke of Batavia and Mrs. Harry
Weil of Buffalo He was a member
of the First Baptist Church in Bata-
via and the sunday School Baraca
Class, and was an official many years
of the Modern Woodmen of america.
Funeral services will be held tomor-
tow afternoon at the Rutner Mor-
tuary, the Rev. Russell Moore officiat-
ing, with burial in the Batavia Ceme-