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- Niagara Gazette - 9/21/1936
Jacob Rumbold, 70 years old, prominent
businessman here for many
years, died yesterday at his home,
2518 Elmwood avenue, Kenmore.
Mr. Rumbold was born here and
was prominently Identified with the
lumber industry. He was senior member
of the Rumbold and Bellinger
Lumber company. Later he became a
member of the Gillie Engine and Machine
company. He then became local
sales manager of the Weyerhauser
lumber interests, a nation wide organization.
After relinquishing this connection
he became manager of the Hanna
Lumber company in Rochester. In recent
years he had been engaged in the
grocery business in Kenmore.
He was one of the organizers of the
Y. M. C. A. here serving as president
of the Board of Directors for a numbers
of years. He also served on the
North Tonawanda Board of Education.
When the first Trust company,
was known as the. First National Bank
he was vice president of that institution.
He was one of the organizers of
Sutherland lodge, F. and A. M. He
was also a member of Tonawanda
Chapter and Lake Erie Commandery,
Knights Templar in Buffalo. He was
also a member of North Tonawanda
lodge, B. P. O. Elks.
He leaves a wife, Lula Rumbold.
and three sons, Roy, of Tonawanda,
Leigh, of Buffalo, and Dr. Lynn Rumbold,
of Rochester, and a brother,
Frank, of Tonawanda.
The funeral will be Wednesday at
2:30 p. m. at the Kenmore residence
under the direction of Lake Erie Commandery.
Interment will be in Elmlawn
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/21/1936
A prominent resident of the
Tonawandas for many years,
Jacob H. Rumbold died at his
home, 2518 Elmwood avenue,
Kenmore, yesterday. He had been
in failing health for several
months, but it was not until a
week ago that his condition became
Mr. Rumbold was born in the
Tonawandas. Educated here, he
became identified with the lum-
ber business early in his man-
hood and in 1891 he and the late
William Bellinger organized the
firm of Rumbold & Bellinger to
deal in lumber on a wholesale
When the firm was dissolved
nine years later Mr. Rumbold be-
came associated with the late Wil-
liam and John Gillie in the Gillie
Engine & Machine company. for
many years he was sales man-
ager of the Weyerhauser lumber
interests in the Tonawandas. He
remained in their employ for a
number of years and then went to
Rochester to take over the man-
agement of the Hanna Lumber
President of state Assn.
White in Rochester, Mr. Rum-
bold became president of the New
York State Lumber Salesmen's
Association. In recent years he
had been conducting a grocery
store in Kenmore.
Mr. Rumbold was president of
the board of directors of the Y.M.
C. A. for many years. He was a
charter member of Sutherland
lodge, F&AM. He was a mem-
ber of Tonawanda Chapter and
Lake Erie commandry, P.T. He
was also a member of North Ton-
awanda Lodge, No. 860, B.P.O.E.,
which he served as secretary for
a number of years.
As a member of St. Mark's
Episcopal church he served many
years as a vestryman.
When the First Trust Company
was known as the Frist National
Bank, Mr. Rumbold was vice-
president of the institution.
On Board of Education
He Served on the North Tona-
wanda board of education and at
one time ran for mayor of the
He married Loretta M. Camp-
bell of North Tonawanda on No-
vember 22, 1888. She died eleven
years later. She was the mother
of Roy Rumbold of tonawanda,
Leigh Rumbold of Buffalo and Dr.
Lynn Rumbold of Rochester. Be-
sides his sons, Mr. Rumbold leaves
a wife, Lula Woodley, Kenmore,
and a brother, Frank F., Tona-
Rites will be held Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
residence and will be under the
direction of Lake Erie Comman-
dry. Burial will be in Elmlawn.