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- Niagara Gazette - 8/26/1944
LOCKPORT - George LaMountain,
8r, 54, died last evening at his
home, Ridge road, town of Hartland,
after an illness of three years.
He was a native of Vermont, but
came to this county 11 years ago.
residing In this city two years before
removing to Hartland.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Lillian
LaMountain: a daughter, Mrs.
Kenneth Hammond, of Hartland;
two sons. George LaMountain. Jr.,
of Hartland. and Private First Class
Howard LaMountain, of the U. S.
Services will be held Monday at
8:15 am.from the home and at 9
o'clock at St. Patrick's church at
Barker, N.Y.