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- Niagara Gazette - 12/17/1958
A former resident of this
city, Mrs. Merinda Giles, 75,
died Tuesday (Dec. 18,1958) in
Welland, Ont. She had lived In
this city for the last 15 years
at 558 Fifth St.
Survivors include five daufhfers,
Mrs. Ruth Swick and Mrs.
Millicent Gossard, both of Ni-
agara Falls; Mrs. Esther Parker,
Welland, Ont.; Mrs. Ethel
Prunt, Toronto, Ont., and Mrs.
Emily Branston. Dunville.
Ont; two brothers, Chester
Giles. Brampton, Ont., and Victor
Giles, Pt. Colborne, Ont.;
17 grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren. A brother
in England also survives.