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- Niagara Gazette - 1/9/1946
BUFFALO, Jan 9 - Two Negro
youths. John Pearson. 18. and
Charles W. Simms. 16. were charged
with first degree murder last night
n connection with the bludgeon
slaying of William T. Toenniessen,
68, last November 3. District Attorney
Leo J. Hagerty said.
Toenniessen was bludgeoned to
death as he lay in bed at the rear
of a delicatessen store In Buffalo's
east side. His sister. Mrs Amelia
Manweiler, 58, owner of the store,
was beaten and seriously Injured as
she attempted to aid her brother.
She has recovered.
Deputy Police Commissioner Oscar
H. Dabritz said "the motive for the
attacks was robbery."