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- Niagara Gazette - 11/19/1958
Leah Ackerson H a n d le
will address the Women's
Association of the First Congregational
Church on the
subject "United N a t i o n s"
Thursday, at 1:30 p.m. at the
Mrs. Handle studied t he
structure of the United Nations
while a student at Columbia
U n i v e r s i t y . New
Y o r k , and has t a u g h t a
course on the United Nations
for a number of y e a r s at
Friends Academy. L o c u st
Valley, L. I. Mrs. Handte is
the daughter of the l a te
Judge Fred M. Ackerson. She
is now Tesiding in this city.
The meeting will be opened
by t h e president, Mrs.
Walter B e 1 b'o t. The Rev.
John W. Douglas will be in
charge of the d e v o t i o n s .
Hostesses are Mrs. William
J. Roberts, Mrs. G e o r ge
Learn and Mrs. Mae Toomer.