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- Niagara Gazette - 10/29/1904
Charles F. Ackerson, father of Assistant
District Attorney F. M. Ackerson of
this city, died a t his home in Barker
yesterday morning at 6:30 o'clock. He
was one of the most prominent and
widely known men In Niagara county
and the news of his death is received
with general regret here.
Charles F. Ackerson was born In t he
town of Carlton, Orleans county, N.
Y.J u l y 22, 1837 He was e d u c a t e d a t
Yates Academy in the town ot Yates,
Orleans county, and taught school for
some years thereafter. Since 1864 he
had resided on a farm in the town of
Somerset with the exception of a few
years that he lived in the town of Hart-
land. He held various town offices,
and for seven years was supervisor of
the town of Somerset. He was a
staunch Republican in politics, having
cast his first presidential vote for Abra-
ham Lincoln and for every Republican
candidate since. In 1846 he married
Mary J. Nellist of somerset, who sur-
vives him, and also three children, Fred
M. Ackerson, Assistant District At-
torney of Niagara Falls, and George D.
Ackersonand Mrs. George Bronson,
both of the town of Hartland.
His funeral will be held at his resid-
ence in Barker on Sunday, October 30,
at 2 p.m. In his death the town loses
an upright and public spirited citizen,
a loss which will be keenly felt by a
large circle of relatives and friends.