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- Niagara Gazette - 11/5/1945
VOSS-In St. Mary's Hospital. November 5,
1945. Charles Henry, age 69. of 2911
Highland avenue: father of Carl H.. Mrs.
Fred Wilson. Mrs. Victor Durant. all of
this city, Allen Voss. U. S. army: Mrs.
Oeorge Kingsbury, of Clifton, N. Y.,
brother of Mrs. Charles Buhr. of Lockport.
He is also survived by 6 grand
children. Funeral from Otto Redanz
Funeral Home. Michigan and Tenth st.
Wednesday at 2 P.m.. Dr. Arthur
Schmoyer officiating. Interment in North
Ridge cemetery
Niagara Gazette - same date
Charles H. Voss, 69, of 2917
Highland avenue, a retired farmer.
died this morning in Mount St.
Mary's hospital. A native of Germany,
he had been a resident in
this citv for the last 50 years.
Surviving Mr. Voss are two sons,
Carl H.. of this city, and Allen R.,
of the U.S. Army, and three daugh-
ters. Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mrs.
Victor Durant, both of this city,
and Mrs. George Kingsbury, of
Clifton, N.J. A sister. Mrs. Charles
Buhr, of Lockport, N. Y., and six
grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services will be held from
the Redanz Funeral home on Wed-
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with
the Rev. Arthur Schmoyer, D.D.,
officiating. Interment will be in
North Ridge cemetery