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- Niagara Gazette - 4/29/1968
McDOUGALL - James Eugene, of 958
Rldge Rd., Lewlston, N.Y. In Mount
St. Mory's Hospital, April 28, 19M.
Husband of Olga Fedarkow McDougall,
father of Barbara Ann, Diane, and
Richard McDougall, all of Lewlston,
N.Y. Brother of Mrs. Emll (Jean) Oslund,
Mrs. John (Elizabeth) Crowley,
Martin and Mary McDougall, all of
Nlagara Falls, N.Y., William McDougall,
Lewlston, N.Y., Mrs. Audrey Mc-
Donald, Silver Springs, Md., Duncan
McDougall, North Tonawanda, N.Y.,
Roland McDougall, Charleston, W.Va.,
Mrs. Urban (Margaret) Phillips, Conneoutvllle.
Pa., and Mrs. Edward
(Katherlne) McArdle, of Titusvllle, Pa.
Funeral services will be held ot the
Rho'nev Funeral Home Inc., 1124 Ontario
Ave., Wednesday ot 8:30 A.M. and
ot Sacred Heart Church ot 9:30 A.M.
Interment In Gate of Heaven Cemetery.
The family will be present from 2 to 5
and 7 to 9 PM. If preferred contrlbutlons
moy be mode to the American
Cancer Society