Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 6/2/1904
George Haney met a sudden death
yesterday afternoon shortly after 3
o'clock at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. A. F r a n k Allen, No. U25 Niagara
street, with whom he h a s been making
his home. The announcement of his
sudden demise came in the n a t u r e of a
sad unci shocking surprise to the many
friends of t h e deceased throughout the
city. Haney fell down the cellar, stair-
way and was found on the cement
floor at the foot of the stairs in an
unconscious condition by his son-in-
law, Mr. Allen. He struck on the left
side of his head, fracturing the skull,
and died about 45 minutes later without
regaining consciousness. -
Coroner Hart Slocum was sent for
and Dr. J. S. D o r i a n ' w a s also s u m -
Imoned.. The fracture was of such a
s e r i o u s nature that nothing could be
done to prolong the m a n ' s life. Cor-
onoer Slocum issued a certificate of ac-
cidental death.
Just how the accident happened is
not known but it is presumed that in
making his way down the stairs he
made a misstep or slipped and plumged
forward head foremost. Five minutes
previous to the finding of his body at
the foot of the stairs he had been in theh
company of Mr. allen and had left him
to go into the house.
Mr. Haney was 81 years of age an d
was one of the early settlers of Niag-
are Falls, having been a resident of
the city for 56years. He is survived
by a wife and son John of Chicago,
two daughters, Mrs. C. O'Leary of
Bluefield, W. Va., and Mrs. A. Frank
Allen of this city.
The funeral will be observed on Wed-
nesday morning at 9 o'clock from the
home and at 9:30 from St. Mary's
Church. The pastor Rev. William J.
McNab, will officiate and the inter-
ment will be made in St. Mary's ceme-