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- Niagara Gazette - 5/13/1953
Conrad Behrens, Jr., 10108 Buffalo
avenue, for a number of years
a Democratic city committeeman,
died today at Memorial hospital
after a short illness. He was 71
years of age.
Mr. Behrens, a native of this
city, served as committeeman for
the forrrjer Third district. Fifteenth
ward, and was active in Democratic
politics until four years ago. For
a number of years he operated a
service station in Buffalo avenue,
retiring from business 25 years
He was a member of the Loyal
Order of Moose, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, Woodmen of
the World and Ninety-ninth Street
Methodist church. He was an honorary
member of the Niagara
Frontier Volunteer Fire department.
Mr. Behrens is survived by
three sons. Howard. Clarence and
Harry Behrens, a brother, Albert
Behrens, and a sister, Mrs. Frank
Hartzner, ail of this city; a second
sister, Mrs. William Crow,
Machias, and a third sister, Mrs.
Augustus Meyers, Buffalo. Also
surviving are. a granddaughter and
two great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at
2 p.m. Saturday at the Lane
Funeral home, with the Rev. Fred
Young officiating. Interment will
be in Riverdale cemetery.