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- Niagara Gazette - 10/15/1948
TONAWANDA, Oct 15 - Frank
I. Alliger, 80, Tonawanda's first
mayor, died today at his home, 81
Clinton street, after a short Illness
Mr. Alllger was a pioneer lumber
dealer here and was active in civic
matters for many years. He was a
member of the Board of Education
for 13 years and was prominently
identified with trade and service
organization. He was one of the
organizers of the Buffalo Automo-
"bWcIub and served on the State
Highway commission when the first
Buffalo-Niagara Falls boulevard was
built. He was a member of the
Rotary club, Tonawanda lodge 247,
F and AM, and the Democratic
Surviving are his wife, Mabel Alii
ger; two sons, Frank L. Alliger, jr.,
this city, and James Alliger, of Kenmore;
two daughters, Mrs. Myrna A.
Bowen, of Greenville, S.C., and Mrs.
Helen A. Jewett, of Yokohama,
Japan; nine grandchildren; . four
great grandchildren; one brother,
Newton Alliger. of Wllimantlc,
Conn., and a sister, Mrs. Magdalene
Galatain, of East Greenwich. N.Y.
Funeral services will be held Sunday
at 2:30 p.m. at the home. The
Rev. Wesley Baker, of Riverside
Presbyterian church, Niagara Falls,
and the Rev. Stanley Boughton, of
this city, will officiate.