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- Niagara Gazette - 4/2/1927
A large circle of relatives and
friends will grieve to learn of
the death of Mary Barbara Witmer,
a life-long resident of the c i ty of Niagara
Falls, after a n i l l n e s s ranging,
over a period, of about five months.
She had been in ill health for a number
of years, but for the most part of
the time was able to attend to her
many little duties In the household.
Although relieved for several years
of the heavier responsibilities by h e r
industrious and untiring daughters,
Mrs. Theresa M Morrison, and Miss
Serena T., h e r advisory capacity .served
in good, stead, always displaying
the well-matured, judgment of o n e
whoso training had been well founded.
She w a s a n ardent lover of maternal
companionship and while act-
in g In a n advisory capacity with her
daughters during all these years, s he
was well blessed with the continual
companionship of h e r aged mother,
Mrs., Catherine Schneider of 1516
Ontario avenue, whose 100th anniversary
was celebrated on May 31 s t last
year and w h o will deeply moun her
Mrs. Witmer was t h e oldest of thirteen
children born to the late .Rev.
Theobald Schneider a n d Catherine
Grauer Schneider, on May 28th, 1847,
while Rev. Mr: Schneider was serving
as an ttlnerary minister for the
Evangelical association near Toronto,
Ont, a n d her early religious
training was derived through that
church and for which, in connection
with her mother, she held a h i gh regard
throughout her whole life.
On Dec. 23rd, 1869 s h e w a s given in
marriage to the Rev. Simon Witmer,
the eleventh members of another,pioneer
family of twelve, whose parents
settled in Niagara county In 1810, t he
second white family to take up their
abode in this section of t h e country.
Seven children were born as a result
of this happy union, six of whom are
living Malcham T., Simon C, Orlando
B., Artemas S., Theresa M. ( n ow
Mrs. Morrison) and Serena T. The
oldest one, Alvln F. preceeded her
March 3, 1909. Besides the s ix children
who survive her, she is also
mourned by three brothers, George
H., Jacob A. and John C. Schneider,
and four sisters, Mrs. Amanda C.
Eberling and hte Misses Sarah V.,
Nellie S. and Rose E. Schneider, as
well as s i x grandchildren. t
After her marriage, Mrs. Witmer
associated herself with the Free
Methodist Church in this city, so that
she might be the better able to c o operate
with her husband in his
chosen religious sphere, and t o the
time of her death she exhibited'at all
times to a full measure that spirit of
service so helpful and much appreciated
in the dark hour, never failing,
although family demands were pressing,
to stand ready to pass the c up
of cold water to those In need. A
very prominent trait was her ability
to mentally retain and relate past occurrences
of apparently very small
moment and especially was this true
religiously, her songs alone in both
the German and English language
ringing unceasingly her true spirit
with which she was peculiarly endowed.
Mrs. Witmer and her devoted
husband celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary on Dec. 23, 1919.
The-funeral will be held from her
late residence, 1024 Grove avenue at
2:30 p. m. Sunday, April 3rd, and t he
body will be borne to its last restingplace
in Rlverdalo cemetery by her
four sons, her son-in-law, Murdo
Morrisson and W. Sherman Farrington
of Buffalo. Rev. J. I . McCullough,
pastor of the Free Methodist
Church will officiate at the funeral.
He will be assisted by other ministers,
friends of the diseased