Notes |
- Oswego Palladium - 12/5/1957
Mrs. Emma Arkland, widow of
Charles Arkland, died Monday in
San Francisco at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Grant Miller,
after an illness of several months.
Mrs. Arkland had observed her
79th birthday Sunday.
Funeral services for Mrs. Ark-
land, mother of Harry Arkland,
193 E. Eighth St. will be held in
Our Lady of the Valley Church,
Saturday morning, with burial in
Hoy Cross cemetery, Kenoga
Park, Calif.
Mrs Arkland was born in Far-
rington. Mass She had resided In
Rochester and had lived at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Arkland
here for two years before
removing to California eight
years ago to make her home with
her daughter.
She is survived by another son,
Leonard Arkland of White Plains,
another daughter, Mrs. Ruth Pat-
terson, Los Angeles, Calif.; one
brother, Harry Downs, of Grand
Mere, Quebec, Canada; one sister,
Mrs. Ellen Duffey, Kanoga Park
and three grandchildren, including
Mrs. James Turner of 122 E. Mo-
hawk St.