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- Niagara Gazette - 5/10/1945
Mrs. Minnie Armstrong, 68 years
old, 2027 Hyde Park boulevard, died
early this morning in Memorial
hospital after a brief illness with
Born in Greenfleld, N. B., Mrs.
Armstrong came here from Lowell,
Mass., with her husband, David L.
Armstrong, a taxidermist. 25 years
ago.' She was a member of the First
Evangelical church and for many
years wax active In its affairs.
Surviving, besides her husbflnd.
are two daughters. Mrs. Andrew P.
Swlft, this city, and Mrs. Ernest
Locke, of Canton. Ohio: a son.
Charles P. Armstrong, this city; a
sister. Mrs. Frances Smith. Woodstock,
N.B.. and three brothers,
Oldeon Fulton, Lowell. Mass.. David
Fulton, Bedford, Mass., and Wlllard
Fulton, this city. Five-grandchildren
also survive.
Funeral services will be held Saturday
at 2 p.m. at the home, with
the Rev. D, R. Deveny, pastor of
First Evangelical church, officiating.
Interment will be In Memorial
Park cemetery.