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- Niagara Gazette - 7/17/1946
RANSOMVILLE, June 17 - The
Rev. and Mrs, John Bruce, of 2203
Hamtll avenue, Clarksburg, West
Virginia, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Mattle Belle, to Mr.
Elwin E. Arnold, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Milford Arnold, of Ransomville.
The. wedding took place on Tuesday
evening, June 11, In the Stealey
Heights Methodist church, Olarks
burg, with the Rev. John Bruce and
the Rev. Romalne Armstrong offid
The bride was beautiful In a white
eyelet costume with white accessories
and corsage of orchids. She
also wore a gold wrist watch, a gift
from the groom. She was attended
by her sister, Miss Emma Jane
Bruce, who wore a pink eyelet dress
with white accessories and corsage
of pink carnations.
The bridegroom was attended by
Mr. Jarris Pettlt, of Ransomville.
The soloist, Mrs. Doris McNemar, of
Fairmont, accompanied at the organ
by Mr. Elmer Warnock, sang, "Because",
and *T Love You Truly." The
ushers were John Wesley Bruce and
Richard. Henderson, of Clarksburg.
Mrs. Bruce, mother of the bride,
wore a navy blue costume with
white accessories and corsage of
white carnations. Mrs. Arnold,
mother of the groom, was attired
in a powder blue dress with white
accessories and corsage of red carnations.
Immediately following the ceremony,
a reception was held at the
bride's home, which was decorated
with white roses. The serving table
was centered with a three-tier
wedding cake.
The out-of-town guests Included:
Mr. and Mrs. Mllford Arnold and
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls Pettlt, of Ransomville;
Miss Elsie Snyder and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Beecher of Nl
agara Falls; Grant Bradley, of East
Otto; Mrs. Charles Worden, of Lockport;
Mrs. E. E. Arnold, Mrs. Berry
Pask, Mrs. Vernon Bateman and
Arlene Bateman, of Barker; T/5
Neil Arnold, of Fort McClelland,
Others present were Miss Leila
Snyder, Charles O'Conner, Jr., Miss
Sees and Mrs. Sees, of Muncy, Pa.,
Mrs. Archie McCoy, of Aliqulppa,
Pa.; Mrs. John Evans, of Lansing,
Mich., and Willis Moore, of Pekin.
Mrs; Arnold is a graduate of
Lockport high school and for the
past two years has been a student
In Fairmont State college. Mr. Ar-.
nold graduated from Wilson high
school. He was honorably discharged
recently after three and
'one-half years of service In the
American Air Force aa a control
tower operator, having served two
and one-half years overseas in the
Solomon and Philippine Islands.
After the reception, the happy
couple left for a wedding tour and
upon their return will reside In
Wilson, N. Y.