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- Niagara Gazette - 7/3/1931
WEST SOMERSET, July 3.-A very
lovely home wedding was solemnized
at the homfe of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Atwater, West Somerset, '.Wednesday,
June 27, at 1.30 o'clock, when their
eldest daughter, Myra, was united in
marriage to James O. Riggs of Olean.
Rev. B. C. Schehl, of West Somerset
and Rev. D. M. Blatt officiating in
the presence o4 50 relatives and
To the strains of Mendelsohn's
Wedding March, rendered by Miss
Eunice Blood, the bridal party, proceeded
by little Miss Ruth Atwater,
sister of the bride," and little Miss
Phyllis Trail, niece of the bridegroom,
acting as flower girls, entered the living
room, where amidst a bower of
ferns, pink rOses, blue delphinium and
white syringia, the wedding .ceremony
took place. Miss Bernlce Storms, of
Sandusky, N. Y., college mate of the
bride, acted as bridesmaid and Donald
Atwater, brother of the bride, as
best man, ' ,
The bride was charming in a gown
of white organdy, with blue accessories,
and carried an arm bouquet of
roses, lilies and gypsophela. The
bridesmaid was gowned In blue organdy
with white accessories and carried
an arm bouquet of roses, delphinium
and gypsophela. Miss Edna Easterly,
of Chaffee, and Miss Elsie Zynczak, of
Buffalo, sang "The Lord is My Sheperd"
and "In the Secret of His Presence."'
Following the reception, the bridal
luncheon was served in the dining
room of the West Somerset Baptist
church, of which the bride Is a devoted
member. The dining room was
beautifully decorated in blue and
white. Twelve were seated at the
bride's table, which was centered with
a handsomely decorated wedding cake,
the gift of bride's brother, Robert,
flanked .with white candles In colonial
glass candle holders.
Mr. and Mrs. Riggs left for an eastern
wedding trip which will include
New York City, Pennsylvania and
Connecticut. Mrs. Riggs wore a traveling
outfit ot brown and tan tweed
with brown accessories. After July 16
they will be at home to their friends
In Olean, N- Y. Out of town guests
were present from Olean, Sandusky,
Buffalo, Chaffee, Lockport, Newfane,
and Hartland.