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- Niagara Gazette - 3/11/1910
BINKLEY-Uriah Binkley. one of the
oldest and best known residents of Niag-
ara County died at his home at La Salle
on the Mile Line road, March 10. 1910. He
wan bom at Washington Borough, Lan-
caster county, Pa. NOV. 10, 1822.
He is survived by two daughters and
eight sons: Herman G.. Uriah E., Al-,
bright. Daniel. Kate L.,. Willis and A. Wil-
der. Also one sister. Mrs. H. Wltmer. of
Goshen. Indiana, and two brothers. John
H. Binkley of La Salle, and David H.
Binkley of Long Beach. Californla,.
Funeral from his late residence on Sun
day, March 12th, at 1:30 o'clock p. m.
Same paper and date
Wah Binkley, one of the oldest
residents of Niagara county, died at
his home on the Mile Line road, In
the Town of Niagara, last night at the
age of 87 years. Mr. Binkley was born
in Washington, Lancaster county. Pa.,
November 10th, 1822 and came to
this city 52 years ago. He settled
in what is now Pine avenue, about a
mile east of the city line, and lived
there until his death.
He is survived by two daughters
and eight sons, Herman G., Uriah E.,
Albright, Kate L., Willie and
A Wilder, also one sister, Mrs. h. H.
Witmer, of Goshen, Ind.; and two
brothers, John H. Binkley of LaSalle
and David H. Binkley, of Long Beach,
Cal. The funeral will be held from
his late residence Sunday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock,m under direction of Quinn
and Reardon.