Family |
BOYE, Victor Weber, b. 22 Dec 1928, Lockport Memorial Hospital, Lockport, Niagara County, NY d. 1978 (Age 49 years) |
Marriage |
9 Oct 1954 |
Lockport, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 10/13/1954
Baaketi of white gladioli and
Fugl mums formed the setting for
the marriage of Miss Mary Louise
Baker and Victor W. Boye in a
candlelight ceremony at 7:30 Saturday
evening at First Presbyterian
Church, Dr. Stephen K
Palmer officiated at the ceremony
uniting the daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Clarence H. Baker of 84
Niagara St. and the son of Mr
and Mrs. Victor R. Boye of 252
Willow St.
Mr. Baker gave his daughter
in marriage. She was attired
1B a ballerina-length
gown of white lace with a
redingote effect over pleated
nylon and a fitted bodice Maturing
a V-neckline and standop
cellar. A headpiece of white
lace held her fingertip veil
and she carried a cascade
arrangement of Fugl mums
and pompons.
Mrs. Edward Melzer of Buffalo,
was matron of honor in a gown
of green iridescent taffeta, with
a tucked neckline, fitted bodice
and ballerina skirt of impressed
pleats. She wore a matching head
band etched with seed pearls and
her bouquet was of bronze pom-
pons. Miss Doralyn Boye
bridesmaid In an identical
Attending the bridegroom were
Robert L. Pass, as best man, and
Duane Reggentlne, Glen Werth,
Don Oliver and Lavero Glena as
A program of traditional wedding
music was played by Mrs.
Patrick Madriska, organist, and
James Pletcher was soloist.
Per her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Baker chose a drees ef
blue velvet with a feathered
hat la a lighter shade ef Mae.
Mrs. Boye were a dress ef
plum' colored velvet with a
white sequin hat. Each were
a white corsage.
Following a reception at Green
Acres, the couple left for a wedding
trip to the New England
States. The bride wore a rose
tweed suit with black accessories.
Upon their return, the couple will
reside on Harrison Avenue, 01-
Out-of-town guests ware from
Buffalo, Hamburg, and East Aurora.
The bride attended the New
York State School of Applied Arts
and Sciences at Utica. The groom,
who served In the U. S. Navy,
was graduated from the New York
State School of Applied Arts and
Sciences at Buffalo.
Prior to her marriage the
bride was entertained at parties
given by co-workers in
the Business Office of the New
York Telephone Co., Miss
Boye, Mrs. Carl Reggeatine
and Mrs. Martin Gartner. The
rehearsal dinner was given by
the bridegroom's parents.
Children |
| 1. BOYE, V Richard, b. 25 May 1965, Lockport, Niagara County, NY d. 19 May 2012, Lockport, Niagara County, NY (Age 46 years) |
Family ID |
F42779 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |