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- Amsterdam NY Daily Democrat and Recorder
July 10, 1922.-The marriage of
Va., formerly of Amsterdam, and
Miss Kathryn Donley, Zanesville,
O., was announced.
Edgar S. Follett, Amsterdam, and
Miss Martha C. Bantelman, Troy,
were married.
Amsterdam NY Evening Recorder and Daily Democrat - 7/11/1922
The marriage ot Edgar Stewart
Follett. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Follett of Division street, and Miss
Martha Caroline Bantelman, daughter
ot Mrs. Sophia Bantelman of 19
Glen avenue. Troy, took place Monday
evening at 6 o'clock at the parsonage
of St. Paul's Lutheran
church, Troy. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev.. Rudolph Locher.
The bride was attended by her
sister. Miss Marjorle Bantelman,
and the best man was Eugene
Langley. The bride was gowned in
white Canton crepe, with hat to
match, and wore a corsage bouquet
of white roses nnd sweet peas. The
costume of the bridesmaid was of
pink canton crepe with hat to match,
and slie wore pink rosebuds and
sweet peas.
After the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served to the bridal
party at the home of the bride's
mo:her, after which the young
couple left for a wedding trip to
New York. Atlantic City and Phil-
adelphia. The bride's going away
suit was of navy blue polret twill,
with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs.
Follett will make their home at
11502 Union street, Schenectady. The
bride received gifts of linen, silver,
cut glass and money.
The bride, who is a young woman
of pleasing personality, has been
connected with the Comeskey In-
surance and Real Estate company
of Troy. The bridegroom, who has
many frlend's In business and fraternal
circles In this city, Is connected
with the Wilkie & Platt
store. Mr. Follett. was In the service
of the United States army during
the world war. To both the young
people are extended felicitations.