Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News
LEWIS Zita G (nee
Batt) Lewis. 83, of
Tonawanda. N Y .
Tuesday (November 18.
1980) after a brief illness.
A lifelong resident of
Tonawanda, Mrs Lewis
was a member of the
Altar Society at St
Francis of Assisi Church
and the Historical
S o c i e t y of t he
Tonawandas She was
the wife of the late W
Burt Lewis and mother
of the late William B
Lewis. Jr
Mrs. Lewis is survived
by two daughters. Mrs
J a m e s ( M a r i o n)
McKenzie of Fort Worth,
Tex , Mrs Willard
(Dorothy) Dittmar of
Tonawanda; a son, A
R o b e r t Lewis of
Tacoma. Wash and a
brother. Edwin G Batt
of Mesa, Ariz . also
surviving are ten
grandchildren and
e i g h t e e n g r e a t grandchildren
The family will be
present from 7 9 p m
Wednesday and 2 4 and
7-9 p m Thursday at the
Hamp Funeral Home.
Inc . Adam and Seymour
Sts., Tonawanda where
prayers will be said at 9
a.m. Friday followed by
a Mass of Christian
Burial at 9:30 a m , at St
Fr anc is of Assisi
Church Interment at
Mount Olivet Cemetery
In lieu of flowers,
memorials to the
Historical Society of the
T o n a w a n d a s are
preferred by the family