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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1930
Stricken with paralysis a week
ago, Mrs. Mary Netter, 73 years
old, wife of the late John Better,
a former Tonawanda official died
late last night at her home, 187
Adam street. She was born in
Cheektowaga. For the past 60
years she had been a resident of
Tonawanda. She was a member
of the Altar and Rosary societies
of the St. Francis church.
She is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. Joseph LaTour, Tonawanda.
and Sister Mary Magdalen,
Lowell, Mass.; four son?,
Joseph, Martin. Frank and John
Netter; two sisters, Mrs. Helen
Rathgeber and Miss Rose Batt,
and five brothers, William, Frank,
Edward and Charles Batt, all of
the Tonawandas, and Casper Batt,
The funeral will be held Tues-
day morning at 8:30 o'clock from
the residence and half an hour
later at the St. Francis church.
The Very Rev. John A. Weisman-
tel will officiate and interment
will be in the St. Francis Cere-