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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/1/1969
BAYLISS - John Y. Bayliss
Sr.. 57, of 314 Wellington Ave..
T o w n of T o n a w a n d a,
unexpectedly Monday (June 30,
1969) in DeGraff Memorial
Born in Steubenville, Ohio, he
had been a resident of the
Tonawandas for the past 27
years, and had been employed
at Hudson-Rumsey Co., Inc. in
Buffalo for 28 years and was
vice president of the company
since 1968. He was a member
of Payne Avenue Christian
Church, Sutherland Lodge 827,
F&AM, AASR, Valley of
Survivors include his wife,
Beatrice (nee Bennett) Bayliss:
a d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Richard
(Sylvia) Choboy of the Town of
Tonawanda; three sons, John
Y. Bayliss J r . and Peter D.
B a y l i s s of K e n m o r e and
Michael J. Bayliss of Niagara
Falls, N.Y.; two sisters, Mrs.
G l e n n ( B e t t y ) W a l l s of
Fairmont, W. Va., and Mrs.
Dorothy Ford of North Tonawanda.
and t h r e e grandchildren.
Friends may call from 2 to 4
and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and
T u e s d a y and until noon
Wednesday at John O. Roth
Funeral Home, Morgan and
William Streets, Tonawanda.
Services will, be conducted at 2
p.m. Wednesday in Payne
Avenue Christian Church, the
Rev. Lyle V. Newman
officiating. Burial in Acacia
Parlf Celffietery. Memorials
may be made to Payne Avenue
Christian Church building fund.