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- Niagara Gazette - 2/7/1931
Mrs Elizabeth Beggs. 64. died today
at the f a m i l y home. Ridge road, town
of Lewiston after a long iilness.
Funeral services will be held from the
home on Mon d a y afternoon at 2 o'clock.
T h e Rev F r e d e r i c k Raymond will of-
ficlate Interment will be in North
Ridge cemetery,
Mrs Beggs was born at H o w a r d . Pa,
but came to make her home in the
town of Lewiston 55 years ago. She
was an active member of the Methodist
Episcopal church at Dickersonville. Be-
sides her husband, John, she is survived
by one son, Ellwood, and one daugh-
ter, Grace, both at home.