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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 8/20/1928
Mrs. Lucy M. Bell, widow of William
H. Bell, active for years in
the First Baptist church, died last
night at her home, 129 Pine street,
after a brief illness. Funeral servlces
will be held Wednesday afternoon
at 8:30 o'clock at the home
with burial in Cold Springs cemetery.
Daughter of the late Merrit B,
and Elvira M. Lewis, Mrs. Bell was
born at North Java, Wyoming
county. In 1854, the family moved
to Niagara county and settled
on a farm about two and one-half
mlies south of the city, on the
Robison road. Later they moved
to a place on the Transit road.
Mrs. Bell attended the Old Union
School under the princlpalshlp of
Asher B. Evans. On September
21, 1869, she was married to William
H. Bell, and resided on the
Bell farm south of the city on the
Transit road, until 1905, when they
moved to 129 Pine street, where
Mr Bell died in 1924. Three sons
were born to them, Lewis T., deceased;
Rev. William C. of Africa,
now of Auburndale, Mass., and
Jesse M. Bell of this city.
Mrs. Bell was an active member
of the First Baptist church, being
identified with its various societies
for many years, serving as president
of the Ladies' Aid for several
terms. She was also a deaconess
and a member of Judson Class.
She was a member of the Buffalo
Chapter D. A. R., being a direct descendent
of Eleazer Lewis.
While Mrs. Bell took little part
in club activities, she was always
interested in the welfare of Lockport.
Several weeKs ago, she contracted
a cold which at first seemed
to yield to treatment, but com-
plications set in proving fatal.
Surviving, besides her two sons,
are seven grandchildren, one great
granddaughter and several nephews
and nieces.