Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/7/1936
Two young people were fatal
ly injured and two others hurt
when an automobile in which
they were riding on Delawre
street at Harriet street at 1:45
o'clock this morning left the
highway in avoiding a crash with
an approaching car, crashed into
two trees and then careened acruss
Delaware street, hurling its
occupants out enroute.
The dead:
Miss Dorothy Bell, 17 years old,
142, and Walter Freeh, 18 years
old, 457 Adam street.
The injured:
Miss Ruth Arnold, 17 years
old, 12 Lymon street, St. Catherine,
Ont., a cousin of Miss Bell,
and Roger Dean Null, 19 years
old, 307 Broad street.
Freck's Neck Broken
Miss Bell's death was attributed
to a fractured skull. Frech
died from a broken neck.
Miss Arnold sustained lacerations
of the face and head. Null
received a cut over the left eye
and abrasions on the right side of
the head.
Null told the police that he
was driving north in Delaware
street and was making the sharp
curve near Harriet street when
an automobile, going in the opposite
direction, bore down upon
him with blinding headlights. He
said he made a sharp turn to the
right to avoid being hit and his
machine bounded over the curb
and hit something. That was the
last he remembered until he regained
consciousness shortly after
the crash.
Police said the car hit two
trees on the east side of the Delaware
street and then careened
across the pavement, distributing
its four passngers along the
Persons viling in the vicinity
heard the crash and hastened
to the scene. A telephone call
took Patrolmen Clarence Luther
and Max Pagels to the assistance
of the injured in the police scout
car. They removed Miss Bell to
the DeGraff Memorial hospital.
Freck was taken to the hospital
by John Radice of 433 Prospect
avenue, Buffalo, while Miss Arnold
was taken to the institution
in a car driven by Arthur
N. George of San Diego, Cal.
Miss Bell and Frech were dead
when they were admitted to the
hospital. Miss Arnold is still
there. Null was treated at headquarters.
After making a statement to
the police Null was locked up
pending a further investigation
of the accident. No charge has
been placed against him.
In his report Null said that he
and Freeh drove to the Coconut
Grove dance hall on the River
road in the town of Wheatfield,
just outside the North Tonawan-
(Continued on Page Two)
(Continued from Page One)
da city line. There they met Miss
Bell and Miss Arnold, who has
been visiting at the former's
home. they danced until the hall
closed and then departed for
Tonawanda.. They stopped at a
tavern where they had some re-
freshments and danced, after
which they left and drove along
Delaware street until the acci-
dent occurred.
Coroner Investigating
Coroner J. E. Helwig is investigating
circumstances connected
with the crash.
The body of Miss Bell was re-
.moved to Wattengel's morgue on
Oliver street, Freeh was taken
to Hamp's morgue on Adam
Miss Bell was the daughter -of
Mrs. .Edna Bell- Frech was the
son of Mrs. Anna.. Frech. Miss
.Arnold is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Arnold. Her
parents were notified of the ac-
cident by the police and left St.
Catherines at once for the Ton-
Besides his mother Frech is
survived by two brothers, George
and Robert, and two sisters, An-
na and Martha. Services will
be held Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the residence. Rev.
Theophil Twente will officiate
and burial will be in the City
Freeh was a membar of the
Junior class of the Tonawanda
high school and wa sa member of
the football squad.
Besides her mother Miss Bell
is survived by two brothers
Willis and Donald, and four sisters,
Mrs. Arnold Hankinson and
the Misses Marjorie and Carol
Bell, all of the Tonawandas, and
Mrs. Raymond Phelps, Buffalo.
Arrangements for the funeral
will be announced later.
Niagara Gazette - 8/8/1936
Rites will be held Monday afternoon
for Miss Dorothy Bell, 17 years old,
142 Grove street, and Walter A.
Frech, 18 years old, 457 Adams street,
who lost their lives in an automovile
accident at Delwaware and Harriet
streets yesterday morning. services
will be conducted for Miss Bell at
3 o'clock from the reswidence, the Rev.
Craig Schwartz officiating. Place of
burial will be at the convenience of
the family. The Rev. theophil Twente
will conduct services for Frech at the
residence at 2 o'clock. Burial will be
in the city cemetery. Miss Bell is
survived by her mother, Mary E; two
brothers, Willis and Donald, and four
sisters, Mrs. Arnold Hankinson and
the Misses Marjorie and Carol Bell,
all of Tonawand, and Mrs. Raymond
Phelps, Buffalo. Frech leaves a moth-
er, Anna; two brothers, George and
Robert, and two sisters, Anna and
Martha, all of Tonawanda.