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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 12/2/1938
AKRON. Dec 2 _ FunenJ services
for Mrs. Dorothea Bruiting
Dieterle, 43, who died Tuesday
at her home on the Burdlck
road, were held this afternoon in the
home and later in St. Michael's
church, Wolcottsvllle, Burial was
made in Shelby cemetery.
Besides her husband, Clarence
Dieterle, she is survived by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs Rudolph Burning;
a daughter Hasel. two sons.
Gordon and Kermit; four brothers
Albert, Walter. Lloyd, and Carl
Brunlng; three sisters. Mrs. John
Schubel, Mrs, Herbert Reabolt and
Mrs. George Rehwaldt.