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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 4/21/1944
Attorney Emil F. Lein, 72, of
the Shawnee road, died this morning
at the Buffalo General Hospital,
after an illness of six weeks.
Connected with the legai department
of the Curtiss-Wright company,
he was compelled to relinquish
his association with the
company last month because of
the illness that resulted in his
death. Had he lived until next
September he would have been
As an employe of the Curtiss-
Wright company, Mr. Lein was
among those who received a 100
per cent award for not having any
time off for a whole year.
Born in Blossom, N. Y., Mr.
Lein took up his residence on the
Falls boulevard in the Martinsville
section of North Tonawanda
45 years ago. He took an active
part in Republican party politics.
He ran for city attorney on the
G.O.P. ticket in North Tonawanda
on one occasion. He was formerly
engaged as attorney for the Home
Owners' Loan association of North
As a hobby he devoted considerable
time to raising rare peonies.
He was the inventor of a
plant support now widely used.
Surviving are his wife, Amanda
Belling Lein; four sons, Herbert,
assistant principal of the Ben-
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nett high school, Buffalo; Richard,
an electrical engineer with
the General Electric company in
Schenectady; Quentin of Buffalo
and Attorney Richard Lein of
Dudley, Stowe and Sawyer, a
Buffalo law firm; a daughter,
Mrs. Amanda Struble of Schenectady,
and six grandchildren.
Funeral announcement will be
made later.