Notes |
- Webster NY Herald - 9/25/2002
Donald Jack Benedict was bom July
22, 1935 to Chester and Harriett
Sharman Benedict in Warsaw. Donald
married Sandra Scroger in May 1961 in
Warsaw, where the couple made their
home for several years before moving to
Perry and living there for 15 years. They
later lived in Chili and Bergen, and for
the past 5 years have lived in the town of
An aircraft mechanic and inspector,
Donald retired from Page Airways, Rochester
in 1994 after 34 years of service.
Prior to working for Page Airways, he
had been employed by Mallory Timers in
Warsaw and Perry KnitUng and Cutlery.
Donald served in the United Sates Air
Force form 1953 to 1957.
A long-time member of the Loyal Order
of the Moose in Warsaw, Donald was
also a member of the Episcopal Church
of the Good Shepherd, Webster.
Donald loved spending time with his
grandchildren. He enjoyed improving
and remodeling the homes in which they
lived. Later in life, Don like to go country
Mr. Benedict died Sunday, Sept. 15,
2002 at age 67 in Strong Memorial Hospital,
The Rev. Lance D. Robblns officiated
at the 11 a.m. memorial service Saturday,
Sept. 21 at the Episcopal Church of
the Good Shepherd.
Arrangements were by the Willard H.
Scott Funeral Home, 12 South Ave.,
Donald leaves his wife, Sandra; three
children. Terry (Tina) Benedict of
Lockport; Brian (Meg) Benedict of
Webster and Sharon (Daniel) Resch of
Ontario; fivegrandchildren; sister, Doris
Smallwood of Leesb.urg, Fla.; nieces and
nephews; father-in-law and mother-inlaw,
James and Gerry Shannon.
Memorials may be directed to the
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Building Fund, 1130 Webster Road,
Webster 14580.