Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 7/14/1949
Coroner James W. Heary today
issued a certificate of accidental
death in the case of a 5 1/2-year-old
boy who died shortly after being
hit by a truck in the Lockport-
Youngstown road in Ransonvrllle
Meanwhile, three other persons
were,under treatment in local hospitals
today for injuries received in
two other traffic accidents yesterday.
The,boy, Douglas M. White, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin White, Ran-
somvllle, was. struck by a truck
driven by John Vrooman, 786 River
road. Lewiston. He died of a fractured
skull while en route in an ambulance
to Memorial hospital here.
No Charges Made
Vrooman told state police that the
boy dashed from behind an eastbound
car and Into the path of his
truck, which was traveling west on
the Lockport-Youngstown road. Although
Vrooman swerved his truck
so sharply that It went off the road,
he was unable to avoid hitting the
boy. No charge was laid against
Two Canadian women were under
treatment at Memorial hospital today
after being Injured when the
car In which they were passengers
failed to make the turn from River
road into Buffalo avenue early today
and hit a telephone pole.
The Injured women are Mrs. J. A.
Corrigan, 57, of Montreal, Que., who
suffered a fractured right shoulder
and shock, and Mrs. W. A. Clark. 31,
of Aldershot, Ont. who suffered contusions
and shock. The driver of
the oar, John 8. Corrigan, 18. of
Montreal, was not hospitalized.
Pedestrian Injured
Felix Narodowski. 68, of 2413 Monroe
avenue, was under treatment In
Mt. St. Mary's hospital today for a
possible bact Injury. He was injured
when he walked into the right
side of a car driven by Stanley
Owwsinski. 37, of 455 Twenty-fourth
street, at Niagara and Twentyfourth
streets yesterday.
Funeral services for the White
boy will be held at 3 pm. Saturday
at the home, Lockport road. Ransomvllle,
and Interment will be In
West Shelby.
He is survived by his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin White, Ransomvllle:
two brothers, Lawrence
Howard and Dennis Robert, both at
home: his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Benz, Medina, and Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond White, Lockport,
and a great grandmother, Mrs.
Sophia Benz, Medina.