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- Niagara Gazette - 5/7/1970
HENIEL—Amber U (nee Sharp) Hensel,
77, of 1805 Weston Ave., rHooara Pollt.
44.Y., May 4, 1970 Vi Nloooro FoUs
Memortot Medlcol Center offer o brief
Woes*. Wife of the lot* AJbert Hensel.
Betoyed molher of Mrs- FronkMn (Evelyn)
Plefcher of GoJeton, Po., Paul
Hensel ond Francis Heneef, both of
Nloooro FoKs, ond Arthw Hensel of
North Tonawondo, N.Y. Sister, of Mrs.
Goylord Edwards, Lokewood, Ohio,
tAn. Corl Heuser, Germonki, Po., ond
Mrs. Glen 0utd4rou of Austin, Po.
Grandmother of I I orondchWdren ond
5 oreot oroodchUdren. Friends received
by the fomfh/ from 2-4 ond 7-9 p.m.
ot the Brunner Fwnerol Home, 154
RoWrtson St., North Tonowondo, where
•ervlces will be held Soturday of 9:30
o.m. Interment, Oemxmld Cemetery,
Piwwvrvooki. AArs. Hensef woe 0" member
of Nloooro Foils Choptef Order
of the Ewtem Star No, Stt.