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- Niagara Gazette - 7/6/1943
Mrs. Sua Sullivan Brett, widow
of John T. Brett, died yesterday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
George D. Berry, 1845 Niagara avenue.
She was 78 years old.
Mrs. Brett had resided in thto
city upwards of 50 years, coming
here from Skaneatelas. N. Y. For
many years she was active in the
affairs of s t Mary's of the Cataract
church and later was a mem-
ber of St. Teresa's and Sacred Beart
parishes. Ber husband died to 1921.
Besides her daughter, she is survived
by three sons, Jerome L. and
John S. Brett, both of thto city, and
George J. Brett, comptroller of the
Niagara Budson Power corporation,
New York City. She was also the
mother of the late Francis J. Brett,
vice-president and director of Niagara
Budson , who died several
years ago. Two sisters, Mrs. James
P. Burns and Miss Agnes M Sullivan,
both of Skaneatelas, also survive
The funeral will be held from
Mrs. Berry's home at 8:30 a. m. tomorrow,
with services at Sacred
Heart church at 9 a. m. Burial will
be in Gate of Heaven cemetery.