Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 6/23/1950
White gladiolis. snapdragons, and
carnations decorated the altar of St.
Joseph's church Saturday morning
when the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Pasqual J.
Tronolone officiated at the doublering
ceremony uniting in marriage
Miss Mary Rose Bevacqua, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bevacqua. Six
teenth street, to Mr. Charles M.
OUagenti, Twentieth street.
Solemn High Mass followed the
ceremony for which Miss Helen La
Morticella sang "Rosewig's Ave
Maria.- .
-Given in marriage'by her father,
the bride wore a gown of candle
light satin. The fitted satin bodice
with pearls and beaded trim started
from the neckline'to the bottom
of the full skirt. The skirt was
Sicked up in front with rows of
ice. The full skirt fell Into a
cathedral length train trimmed with
lace. Her finger-tip veil of imported
Belgium lace fell from a Queen's
crown of rhinestones anl pearls. The
bride carried three large, white
orchids on a prayer book with llllesoNthe
-valley streamers.
Miss Norma Quaglia, maid of honor,
wore an aqua taffeta gown with
inserts of pink satin and net, and a
large net flounce at the hemline. An
aqua net stolle was worn over her
shoulders. Her headpiece had the
affect of a Queen's crown of aqua
taffeta. She carried an aqua taffeta
and net fan with pink gardenias.
The bridesmaids' gowns were similar
to the maid of honor's. They
wore pink taffeta gowns with Inserts
of aqua and net. Pink net stolles
were worn over the shoulders. They
caried pink taffeta and net fans
with aqua gardenias. Their headpieces
were pink taffeta queen's
crowns. The bride's attendants
were Miss Norma Bevacqua, sister of
the bride. Miss Mary Bevacqua,
niece of the bride, and Miss Frances
Betty Ann Bevacqua, niece of the
bride, snd Janette Magenti, niece
of the bridegroom, were Junior
bridesmaids. They wore aqua marquisette
gowns picked up In the
front with rows of lace, and poke
bonnets. They carried colonial bouquets
of pink rose buds with pink
streamers and lilles-of-the-valley.
Mary Jane Riggl. niece of the bride,
was flower girl, wearing the same
style gown as the Junior bridesmaids.
Mr. Melvln Tompkins was best
man, and the upshers were Mr.
Philip Incorvla, Mr. Ben Riggl, cousins
of the bridegroom, and Mr.
Thomas Duddy.
Mrs. Bevacqua, mother of the
bride, wore an aqua print dress,
with black accessories and pink rose
buds. Mrs. Guagentl, mother of the
bridegroom, wore a black crepe dress,
with black accessories, and a corsage
of pink rose buds.
Breakfast was served at the American
Legion hall Immediately following
the ceremony.
The wedding dinner was held for
the immediate families at Lulgi's
restaurant. In the evening a reception
was held from 7 p. m. to 11
p. m. at the American Legion hall,
where more than 400 guests were
The bride chose for her going
away costume a navy gabardine suit
with red snakeskin shoes and bag.
Her navy straw hat was accented
with a cover face veil. She wore a
corsage of orchdls.
After a motor trip to Washington,
D. C, Virginia Beach. Va., and
Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Guagentl will
reside at 807 Sixteenth street.