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- Niagara Gazette - 1/20/1967
TRAVIS-Rose L . (Biamonte) age 68 In
Memorial Hospital Thursday Jon. 19
ol 530 17th Street. Wile of the late
Dominlck. Aof Philip J. Travis,
of this cltv. Sister of Mrs. Anthony
(Mary) Travis, Joseph Biamonte, and
Anthony Biamonte, all ot this city; and
the late Philip Blomonte. Also survived
by 5 grandchildren and 3 great
grandchildren. Funeral Services will
be held from the Soallino Funeral
Home, 13O0 Pine- Ave., Monday at
8:45 a.m., St. Joseph's Church at 9:15
o.m. interment In St. Joseph's Cemetery.
The deceased was a member
of the Madonna Peroetuo Soccorso
Society of St. Joseph's Church. Friends
may coll Friday at 7 p.m. Recitation
of the Rosary Sunday at 8 p.m.