Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 9/11/1923
One of the prettiest of the early
autumn weddings was that celebrated
at 5:30 o'clock on Saturday after-
noon, September 8th, at the home of
Mrs. Frederick W. Gray, No. 444
Eleventh street, when her sister,
Alice Emma, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Edgar Biggar of Niagara
Falls, Ont., became the bride of John
Clifford Bullock of that city. The
Rev. A. S. Bacon officiated in the
presence of 49 relatives and friends.
The living room, where the ceremony
was performed, was prettily and sim-
ply decorated with palms, ferns an d
bouquets of yellow flowers. The
bride was charming in a gown of
white Molly-O crepe and wore a veil
of tulle. She carried a shower bou-
quet of bride's roses and lilies of the
valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Wini-
fred Green, wore a gown of maize
chiffon over satin and carried a bou-
of Phelia roses. Mrs. Gray
wore a gown of pink crepe de chene
and a corsage bouquet of pink roses.
The groom was attended by Captain
John Vandersluys of Niagara Falls
Ont. Little Miss Virginia Gray acted
as train bearer. Miss Arlene Gray
played the wedding march and Mr.
Frederick W. Gray sang Palmer John
Clark's "This is My Commandment."
accompanied by Miss Luella Lam-
berton, a cousin of the bride. A
luncheon was served following the
ceremony, covers being laid at the
bride's table for ten. The out of
town guests present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Bullock, the Misses
Dorothy, Fredda and Ethel Bullock
and Master Robert Bullock of Kit-
chener, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Lamberton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lamberton and Miss Luella Lamber-
ton of Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. Arthur
Biggar of Ithace, N.Y.; Mr. Hilliard
Montgomery of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs.
Caroline Durdan, Mrs. William Dur-
dan, the Misses Alice and Marian
Durdan, Mrs. Frank Messing, Mrs.
John Riley and Miss Herseo Bullock
of Buffalo, N.Y.
The bride and groom left immedi-
ately on an extended trip to Toronto
and other Canadian cities, after
which they will reside in Niagara
Falls, Ont.
Children |
| 1. BULLOCK, James |
| 2. BULLOCK, John Clifford Jr, b. Abt 1926, Canada d. 5 Oct 2020, Town of Wheatfield, Niagara County, NY (Age 94 years) |
| 3. BULLOCK, Frederick James, b. Abt 1929, Canada d. Bef 1962 (Age < 32 years) |
| 4. BULLOCK, Dorothy Jean |