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- Castile NY Castilian - 6/24/1920
Mra.. Ezra H Billings died at her
home in Hurd street last Sunday
night, after an illness of six months
from heart disease. Sarah Elizabeth
Crisey was , born in Castile, August
15th, 1844. parents were Aaron
Crisey and Mary Husted Crisey.
Nearly all ot her life was" spent in
this town. On March 6th, 1863, she
married Ezra H. Billings in the town
ot Oenesee Falls. Five children were
born to them. Albert' and Walter Bil-
Granges Will Compete
lings of this place and Merton Billings
ot Cuyahoga Falls,-O survive. Her son
Fred Billings, and daughter, Mrs.
Ida Klngsley, died several years ago.
Mr. Billings died in July, 1908. A
month ago Mrs. Billings was" taken t6
the sanitarmm--while her household
were'-being. moved to their-new-home
in Hard street, and on her return,
Mrs Merton-Billings came from Ohio
and haa been caring for her during
her last illness. Mrs. Billings' cheerful
and helpful life; her devotions as
wife and mother; her kindness to everybody,
.will long linger as a memory
in the home which, her presence
brightened and which death has now
darkened. The funeral services were, the home last Tuesday afternoon
at three o'clock,' Rev. M. R, Palmer,
pastor of the Baptist church, of
which the deceased was at one time a
member, officiated. The many floral
offerings were evidence of the esteem
in which the deceased .was held - by
the ffeopje of the village. The burial
was In Grace cemetery.