Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1/12/1948
The Rev. Burdette Charles will
conduct funeral services at 2:30 p.
m. tomorrow at the Gridley Funeral
home for Eddie Parker Blamer, .16-
year-old Niagara Falls high school
student, who died at Memorial hospital
Saturday evening after a long
illness. Interment will be in Riverdale
The son of Arithony E. Blamer
and Iola Parker Blamer of this
city, young Blamer was a member
of Gamma Delta Psl fraternity,
the First Christian church and
the Mizpah Bible class of the
church. He was in the freshman
class at the high school and resided
at the Temperance hotel. He
was a native of this city.
Besides his parents he is survived
by a grandmother. Mrs. Frances
Parker, this city.