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- Niagara Gazette - 12/4/1944
TONAWANDA. Dec. 4.-Mrs. Al
ma A. Tackman, 49, of Darien Cen-
ter, N.Y., died yesterday at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Lena Holmes,
431 Young street, after a long ill-
ness. Mrs. Tackman was born in
North Tonawanda and had resided
in the Tonawandas and at Darien
Center all her life. She is survived
by her husband, Frank E.; two
daughters, Mrs. John Nachtrieb, of
Akron, N.Y., and Mrs. Marvin Ford,
of Pembroke, N.Y.; one son, Alfred
Blanchard, of Lockport; three
grandchildren, her mother, five
ters, Mrs. William Krause, Mrs.
Chester Kepple, Mrs. Marie Frem-
ming, and Mrs. Joseph Baumgart-
ner, of North Tonawanda, and Mrs.
Andrew Keller, of this city, and on e
brother, Fred Holler, of North Tona-
Funeral services will be held to -
morrow at 3:30 p.m. at the Hamp
funeral home, 37 Adam street. The
Rev. Craig W. Schwartz will offic-
iate. Interment will be in Elm-
lawn cemetery.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 12/4/1944
Mrs. Alma A. Tackman, 49, of
Darien Center, N. Y., died early
yesterday morning at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Lena Holmes,
431 Young street, after a prolonged
illness. Mrs. Tackman is
survived by her husband, Frank
E.; two daughters, Mrs. John
Nachtrieb of Akron, N. Y and
Mrs. Marvin Ford of Pembroke, N.
Y.; a son, Alfred Blanchard of
Lockport; three grandchildren,
her mother, five sisters, Mrs. William
Krause, Mrs. Chester Kepple,
Mrs. Marie Fremming and
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner of North
Tonawanda and Mrs. Andrew Keller
of Tonawanda, and a brother,
Fred Holler of North Tonawanda.
Rites will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 3:30 from the Hamp
Funeral Home, 37 Adam street.
The Rev. Craig W. Schwartz will
officiate. Burial will be in Elmlawn