Notes |
- Buffalo NY Courier Express - 1/16/1941
The marriage of Miss Miriam
Bluestein, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis L. Bluestein of Starin
Avenue, to Harold Doran, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Doran of
Bird Avenue, will take place at
6 o'clock on Sunday in the Hotel
Lenox, Rabbi Joseph L. Fink officiating.
Miss Bluestein will be attended
by Miss Pauline Doran as maid of
honor and Miss Be"rnice Kahn as
bridesmaid. Herman Doran will
be his brother's best man and the
ushers will be Robert Bluestein.
Alan Davis and Norman Haber.
Mr. and Mrs. Doran will be at
home after a trip to New York
City on February 1st. They will
reside at the North Court Apartments.